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Steph Fernandes

Nice to meet you, I’m Steph. I'm a member of Team Jude! Fun fact: I'm a bit of a music geek.

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Great to be back to your pre-COVID routine…or not?

For the past 18 months, the phrases: “Hop on Zoom”, “Your Amazon parcel has arrived”, and “Stay-at-home” have shaped our new lifestyle. When lockdown started we worried about the challenges of adjusting to unfamiliar rules and restrictions.

Moving your whole life online felt pretty daunting and abnormal. But now that you’ve had time to settle, you might be having mixed feelings about the easing of restrictions.

You're not alone. We asked our community how they truly feel about the lifting of Covid rules on Monday 20 July, 2021…

There's no place like home

I’m in no rush to get back to the busy lifestyle I had before. I’ve really enjoyed having a much-reduced diary.

- Sara

When the world flipped upside down, our homes became our safe space, a little slice of comfort.

When we asked the community if they were happy with normal life returning, the majority (79%) said they would carry on with their new stay-at-home routine. 

Keeping the group small

Love to see my friends, as I know they’ll try to be careful. But anxious, as I’m so aware of the general public.

- Tina

Pubs are packed, holidays have been given the thumbs-up, and restaurants are back in business. If you’re feeling the pressure or you’re anxious, don’t worry, you’re not the only one feeling this way.

Around 26% of our community also relate to this. Although almost all of us want to see our friends and family, it's meeting them in public places that can feed our anxiety. 

At the end of the day, you need to do what feels right for you. Speak to a friend or family member about your concerns, and if you feel comfortable, join a small group in a setting that feels safe for you. 

How our community feel

Leaks. Aches. Flushes. Whatever you’re worrying about, we’re already talking about (and finding answers). Our community is thriving in every sense of the word, and there’s nothing you can say that will shock us. Take the next step. Leave your taboos at the door and come on in!

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