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Written by

Kate Dyson

Kate is a content specialist who is passionate about women's health. She's also mum to three kids, two dogs and unsurprisingly, a lover of wine.

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For words you might want to know more


Urinary incontinence is the unintentional passing of urine. It's a common problem thought to affect millions of people. There are several types of urinary incontinence, including: stress incontinence – when urine leaks out at times when your bladder is under pressure; for example, when you cough or laugh.


Endometrosis is a condition resulting from the appearance of endometrial tissue outside the uterus and causing pelvic pain, especially associated with menstruation.

Bladder weakness

Stress incontinence is usually the result of the weakening of or damage to the muscles used to prevent urination, such as the pelvic floor muscles and the urethral sphincter. Urge incontinence is usually the result of overactivity of the detrusor muscles, which control the bladder.

Easy ways to manage stress in menopause

Stress is something that is universal and something we all experience - but it can feel like many of us are navigating more stress than usual right now. With so much going in the world, there is a lot to take in on a macro level - from pandemic fatigue, a constant rolling stream of news that seemingly gets ever worse, twinned with our own personal circumstances that can make us feel stressed and overwhelmed, like work deadlines, family demands like sick kids, elderly parents that need care - the list might feel endless.

Oh and did we mention perimenopause and menopause? When we’re going through these phases, stress and anxiety can feel even harder to navigate as anxiety can occur because falling oestrogen levels change the way your brain functions - studies have shown that oestrogen is linked to levels of serotonin (the 'happy hormone'). It's important that in the first instance you speak to your GP about perimenopause and menopause to see if there is anything that can help to manage the symptoms, but there are also some quick and easy ways to help navigate stressful times and hopefully dial down anxiety. 

Carve out time and speak to a friend 

It is easy when we’re busy to put our own needs at the bottom of the pile - but when you feel those tell-tale signs of stress; things like overreacting to events, feeling overwhelmed or maybe even anxious, that it’s clear you need to slow down and plan a little bit of time to look after yourself. This doesn’t necessarily mean spending lots of money on scented candles and aromatherapy oils, but it could mean seeing a good friend for a coffee (social contact is proven to improve mental health) or if you haven’t got time for that, maybe reach out for a phone call. It can be tempting to become more insular when we’re feeling stressed and want to ‘just get my head down’ but this is precisely the time when talking to someone you trust - and sometimes just having a rant - will help lift your mood. 

Exercise regularly

It’s boring to many of us, but exercise really helps boost mood. It gets our endorphins going and actually makes us feel more energetic. Pick something that you enjoy doing and then schedule it regularly. Sometimes if you are in a real funk, simply going for a brisk walk will help reset your mind and help see things with better clarity. If you’re feeling in a rut exercise wise then maybe recruit a friend to exercise with you and arrange to meet up and walk together (this way you are also getting some much-needed chat too). 

Breathing exercises

When we’re stressed we tend to stop breathing, and can even end up holding our breath completely - which results in us feeling more stressed. Our breath either becomes faster and shallower as it prepares our body to fight or flee.  Try 4,7,8 breathing. Close your mouth, and inhale through your nose while mentally counting to 4. Hold your breath, and mentally count to 7. Open your mouth and exhale completely, making a “whoosh” sound and mentally counting to 8. Repeat this cycle three more times. 

Do something fun

This might sound like trite advice but the truth is that laughter is one of our best medicines. Going to a comedy night, watching a film that you love, seeing friends, playing with children or grand-children can all make us feel lighter and better able to regain perspective. Write a list of things that you enjoy and ensure you’re doing 2-3 of these things each week. 

Sleep and nutrition 

These are often areas that contribute to feelings of stress and overwhelm. Try to cut down on your caffeine intake so you aren’t overstimulated. Also look at your diet and try to ensure you’re eating as much fruit and vegetables as possible. If you’re feeling physically run down then the temptation is to eat lots of sugar but this will ultimately contribute to a slump which in turn makes you feel less able to take on challenges. Finally- check out Jude’s supplements which reduce the need to get up and pee as frequently and hopefully will result in better sleep. 

The key to navigating stress is having a few different tools that you can use regularly - if you integrate these into your routine you’ll feel stronger and more resilient overall. 

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